• February 18, 2025
    IAFF Local Newswire
    Join the Newswire!
    Updated: Feb. 18 (09:00)

    County Chapter Special Meeting/MOU Vote
    Albuquerque Area Fire Fighters
    NOFF Meeting 2/26/25 in Fairview Park
    Northern Ohio Fire Fighters
    New Cancer Screening Program Aims to Protect Wichita Firefighters
    IAFF LOCAL 135
    Cambridge Fire Fighters
    2025 Retiree Banquet
    IAFF Local 42
    Passing of IAFF Eastern Region Trustee Mark Ouellette
    Action Center

    This Week is going to be a cold one. So stay warm and safe this holiday season with some safety tips for your heater

    Local 51 wants you to help put a freeze on fire this holiday season. Follow these safety tips and follow the link for more help this season
    Contact Elected Officials!
  • MDA Week 2018
    Updated On: Dec 12, 2019

    MDA week has finally arrived. I am looking forward to a successful campaign, a campaign that will not be successful without the efforts of our entire FD family. This year we have set aside 6 days which gives each shift two days to get out and represent our Fire Department and meet our goal. This is a great opportunity for us to put our differences aside, come together and support a nationwide 50 plus year tradition. Keep in mind, our efforts and the money we collect stays in El Paso and helps over 380 El Paso families dealing with Muscular Dystrophy. For any members on the fence regarding the importance of our efforts, I challenge you to meet the families and kids here in El Paso who are directly affected by this disease. Personally, my idea of Boot Driving changed once I met them.

    MDA Boot Drive notes,

    1. Remember to include a sign-in sheet with your bags of money. Please print legibly to assure all participating members receive a t-shirt. You only need to sign in once to receive your shirt. 
    2. Mark each money bag clearly with your Battalion, Station, and Shift. This year one battalion, one shift will win our Challenge Coin Competition.
    3. 40-hour personnel can sign in with the Battalion and shift they work with. I know for a fact the TA will be out making it happen!
    4. All supplies to include water, banners, bags, sign in sheets and stickers will be delivered by Tuesday the 22nd. If anyone is in need of supplies please contact me by cell (included below) so I can message all our hard working corner captains and get you the supplies you need.
    5. You all know your territory, you know what time and how long to stay out. Regardless of time if you need supplies we will get them to you.
    6. Money pick up - Our biggest challenge will be Saturday, Sunday, and Monday since the credit union we use will be closed. Please secure money bags as best as possible for us to pick up first thing Tuesday (29th) morning. 
    7. You all know your territory, you know what time and how long to stay out. 
    8. HYDRATE - Keep an eye on each other, use sunscreen and caps/boonie hats. We know it's going to be warm, we are Firefighters we can handle the heat.

    This year we expect much more media coverage, have fun out there.  Above all stay SAFE and have a good time.

    Rick Flores
    FST  B6 "A" Shift
    Local 51 Parliamentarian
    MDA Coordinator 
    (915) 694-1221

    B1 has Neon Desert 
    B2 is where "the money is"
    B3 says no one has a chance
    B4 says bring it
    B5 has Wal-Mart 
    B6 is simply going to take it!


  • IAFF Local 51

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